Holiday Project

Super sleuth Beth Karr has designed another mystery quilt and asked me to be one of her beta testers.  I am honored!  The pattern will be released in February, 2015 so the only thing I can share right now is that I am using blues and greens.  I’ll be sure to post pictures after the big reveal.

Quilts of Valor Update


The third Quilt of Valor is complete.  In between the holiday parties, retirement parties, a hive flare-up (not beehive, the itchy, raised welts of red) and day-to-day stuff, I managed to squeeze in a few minutes of sewing here and there.  The first two rows of quilt #4 are also done, yea!

Quilt #4 will be the same as quilt #3.  This is the Walk About Patten from Grizzly Gulch Gallery.  The pattern offers four sizes.  For this project I am making the twin size.  In order to stretch donations as much as possible, I shopped the sale room at Pieces & Patches Quilt Shop.  How lucky to find the perfect fabric, in 5 1/2 yards lengths for $5.00 per yard.  Nature’s Basket by Blackbird Designs and Elegance by Sentimental Studios, both by Moda will serve as backings.

These two quilts will be presented by our Garden Club to two veterans who live in our neighborhood.  The Homeowner’s Association holds two open board meetings each year.  Garden Club plans to present these at the April open board meeting.  We will work the logistics of making sure our recipients are present for ‘wrapping’ as April draws closer.

Quilt of Valor #3


Quilt of Valor #3 started.  Quilts #3 and #4 will be the same pattern and, except for the backing, same fabric.

You may have read earlier posts about my garden club scheduling a speaker from QOV for our February meeting.  We will surprise two of our members by wrapping them in their own quilt.  Their quilts used the Stars of Valor pattern.

In addition to a bake sale, members made financial donations and we ended up with enough money to purchase fabric for two more quilts.  These two quilts will be made using the pattern Walk About designed by Ann Lauer at Grizzly Gulch Gallery.  The Garden Club board selected two veterans from our neighborhood who have worked behind the scenes assisting us in our beautification efforts.  We can call on these gentlemen at any time and they show up with power tools and most recently a chain saw.

There are many more deserving residents in our neighborhood and Garden Club hopes to expand our program.  We have one problem though, I am the only quilter/sewer in the group.

Four rows completed on QOV #3.

Have you made a Quilt of Valor?  What pattern did you use?

Shining Stars

DSC_0157This Quilt In A Day ruler promised easy-peasy perfect points.  And Eleanor was right.  Call this small quilt a sample.  You will see these shining stars again in something larger.  Quilted by Colley Haynes, Newell, Alabama.

Guild Mystery Quilt Revealed

DSC_0142. Earlier this year my guild, Devine Quilter’s, sponsored a mystery quilt.  Members received one or two ‘clues’ each month and worked independently through the year.  “The Big Reveal” was this week.  Photos of all the quilts are here.  It is interesting to see how different each quilt turned out.  What colors would you use to make Run For The Border by Debbie Caffrey?