Children’s Delight


The afternoon quiet is so welcome.  No drilling, hammering or drafts of cold air while contractors go in and out working on the master bath remodel.  No meowing cats, who are secured in another room.  The wet saw is no longer in my garage.  Two empty pallets, which once held travertine, are empty.  Progress.

Too cold to be outside, I rummaged through my stash and stitched this baby quilt, it still needs borders, this afternoon.  I hope the lizard fabric will delight the child who receives it.  I think it is cute as a bug.

The free pattern, by Ursula Raikes, is from

Quilts of Valor

DSC_0195Received two Quilts of Valor from the longarmer today.  Except for the backing fabric, both are identical.  These will be presented to two veterans in my neighborhood.

Thank you to Shirley Johnson at Pieces & Patches for recommending Walk About.  This is a great pattern to work with.

Two More UFO’s for Quilt Camp

DSC_0188While looking for something in my sewing room, I came across a bumpy but neatly folded flannel sheet.  Opening it, three sections of this orange and green quilt top fell out.  I later found a bin of orange and green strips and more fabric.  This bright and cheery quilt will make a great charity quilt.

DSC_0189These blocks, squares and strips were pinned to the flannel sheet.  I pressed,  organized and pinned them to a smaller piece of felt.  I’m not sure what these 1930 fabrics are supposed to finish as, so I’ll take them to camp where I can get plenty of advice from my sister quilters.