Construction Zone


I feel as if this renovation would never end.  My house is a mess.  Night stands in bathrooms, dressers and a bed in the living room.  The first hammer was slung back in January 2015.  For the most part the work is done.  Plantation shutters are on order.  I need to get back to Fergusons to order the towel racks and to Ace Glass to make an appointment for them to measure the shower for a frameless door.  Oh, and hang pictures on the walls.

One positive that came out of all this chaos was a tornado that went through the house getting rid of things I would no longer need.  I probably didn’t need them when I bought them.  A boatload of clothes and shoes donated to Oliver Gospel Mission Thrift Store.  A load of books (no quilt books) dropped off for the Friends of Richland Library fundraiser.  The good stuff to a consignment store where I’ve made a few dollars.  One entire dresser is empty!  Empty of clothes, now filled with fabric.

I can’t stand disorganization and that is how things have been the past six months.  I’m pleased with the work, although I have to paint the bathroom again.  Another story for another day.

Have you started a renovation that made you feel like it would never end?

Floating 8


This free pattern, Floating 8, came to me by way of one of the quilting blogs I belong to.  Time often dictates a glance with blog email and a quick turn to the next page.  I suspected the blocks were cut at 5″ (they are) and this would be a great way to use up some excess and orphan charm squares.

The shopping list for this pattern suggests 8 assorted fat quarters.  The sample quilt appears to be made from a single fabric line and I find the flower border on the sample very inspirational.  My fabric archives desperately need thinning out so I went scrappy with my blocks of eight.  The white background was a bargain bin purchase from All About Fabrics.

This quilt finished at 68″ X 86″.  My fabric archives include 4″ blocks.  I wonder what that would look like?  Should I use five 4″ blocks or go with four 4″ blocks?  I may have to make one block and ask my friends for advice.

Floating 8 will be given to Logan Lap Quilters for the charity program.

(In error, I originally posted this to a blog I manage vice my personal page.)