Team Work

Several months ago, Quilts to the Rescue sent an email requesting help to piece a quilt top. Donated by a quilter with macular degeneration, the quilt was a block of the month published in 1990 and included fabrics from the same era.

Four Quilts to the Rescue supporters offered to help. I nominated Beth K as our Team Leader because I know she has the personality and organizational skills to keep us on track.

Beth and I live in the same area; the other two ladies live elsewhere in the US. Beth and I spent a couple of days sorting, copying, measuring and organizing fabric, instructions and assignments. The other ladies love appliqué which is a blessing because neither Beth or I do. We added flags on our calendars to get status updates from the other volunteers – everyone finished ahead of schedule eliminating the need for friendly reminders.

After dealing with fabric shortages, obsolete instructions and a few other issues, we are excited to have finished our mission. With a unanimous dislike of the included calico fabrics, we replaced several with batiks. The top will go to Quilts to the Rescue for quilting and then to an animal shelter/rescue/sanctuary to raise operating funds.

Proud to be part of this team.

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