Early in the Morning

Early morning in the garden checking what’s new since my last visit.  The first thing that caught my eye was a defoliated bronze fennel.  After further observation I found this beautiful Swallowtail caterpillar feasting on another plant.

dsc_0005-1.jpg Years ago, when I learned bronze fennel is a favorite host plant of Swallowtails, I immediately planted a dozen.   The Eastern Tiger Swallowtail is the state butterfly of South Carolina – the bronze fennel is in the South Carolina section of my garden.  An intense search did not reveal any cocoons; they are well hidden/protected.


At the end of summer, bronze fennel sends up stalks covered in yellow flowers which attracts bees.  I love to see bees; without them, the garden would be bland.

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Part of the iris family, the crocosmia is blooming.





The sprinklers changed zones signalling time to exit the area.  Hope you had a good day in your garden.

End of June, Already?

Can it already be that June is ready to go in the history books?  I was celebrating Memorial Day only a few days ago.  Time boarded frecciarossa once I retired.  Is it this way for everyone?

A few of the things going on.

Always working on kennel quilts.  Thanks to everyone who donated scrap batting.  I did share with other locals who are on the team.  Batting is always needed – I will take polyester too.  A friend makes stuffed animals for Richland County Sheriff’s Department and the Education Center at Riverbanks.  Adrianna pulls the batting apart and makes a homemade”polyfil” with it.  Re-purposing keeps it out of the landfill and saves her money so she can make more animals.

DSC_0102I scored this cute cats all over fabric on the clearance rack at Hobby Lobby.  Since I bought all that was left, no need to check the store on Two Notch.  Many people do not care for Hobby Lobby.  They do have quirky corporate policies; but, my local store has some of the most helpful and nicest people I have ever met.  So, yes, I do shop there.


Another big fabric score, this great assortment from Aby Dolinger for winning her Patriotic Table Topper challenge. That’s it, in the upper right corner.  Hanukkah, blenders, patriotic and these great labels for Quilts of Valor.  Even a label with washing instructions.

dsc_0095-1.jpg                  Quality Control was hard at work this week when a flash request came out for kennel quilts for the Eastpoint Florida fires.  Eastpoint is a small fishing town on the Florida panhandle.  Dozens of team members sent kennel quilts for displaced animals.

DSC_0099        Another beautiful flower blooming in the garden.  These Oriental Stargazer bulbs, like most of my plants, were a gift from a neighbor.  I wish you could scratch and sniff the pleasant fragrance this lily gives off.




High temperatures this past week brought the routine afternoon thunderstorms.  With sewing machines unplugged, this gave me time to mark and baste a few quilts for Logan Quilt Guild.  Thank you Jane Gold and Gloria Erd for taking two to bind.  I’ll post photos once I finish binding the others.  I did finish one quilt for myself.  If you didn’t know, I do love cats.


Sharon from Treadle Pushers was our featured speaker at the May Logan Quilt Guild32565895_799577386902292_736369209436536832_n meeting.  She showed us some of her work with Inktense  (ink pencils).  We received a flower swatch with an assortment of pencils to “paint” our own masterpiece.  Brushing the pencil work with a gel aloe brings out an unbelievable color.   This is NOT my work.



Teresa Coolidge, a local professional longarm quilter, made these designs to sell for use with Inktense pencils.  I could not decide which one; I liked all of them and need lots of practice, so I purchased the entire panel.

While I may not post daily with what’s under the needle, be assured, it is something quilt related.

Happy Ending

Happy Ending, a mystery quilt designed by Aby Dolinger, was the April program at Logan Quilt Guild.

Aby starts the mystery:  “Don’t you love it when a story has a happy ending?  Be it a novel, a theater play, or a movie, there’s something satisfying about a plot that ties up all loose ends in a pleasant way for all the principal characters.  Of course in ever well-written story, there’s some conflict to resolve, some antagonism to overcome, some trials to persevere through, and some mystery to solve.  So it will be with your quilt; persevere in solving mysterious clues to find that “All’s well that ends well!”

A former Logan member, many of us know Aby and have fond memories of her.  We always have a great time with Aby and this class was no exception.  Aby’s daughter, Trinity, was visiting and we were so happy to have her with us participating in the mystery.

After a pot luck lunch we received Clue 4.  “Now comes the fun part!  Lay out the units on a design wall or table and arrange them to please yourself.  There are many ways the units can be arranged and all will result in a Happy Ending for your quilt.”  Even though Aby did share four potential layouts with us, the room was full of creativity.  No two quilts looked alike.  Indecisive about a particular layout, I brought my completed blocks home.

With a lot of uncut fabric remaining, I decided to make more blocks until I ran out of fabric.  This is my finished project.

DSC_0085  Once quilted, this will be donated to one of the charities the Logan Quilt Guild supports.

Thank you Aby for such a fun challenge!

Here Comes The Sun

I really do not like to cut trees down.  One of the reasons I love my neighborhood so much is the many trees.  When this subdivision was built, only the trees necessary for construction were allowed to be removed.

When the arboriculturist conducts an inspection and tells you two of your oaks have canker rot and one pine tree is infected with beetles, you know they have to go.  Like me, Sox & Freeman does not like to remove healthy trees.  I trust when they tell me I have three dead trees and recommend removal.

In the fall, I’ll plant three trees to replace the ones removed today.  I will not live long enough to see them reach 100; but, I hope whoever comes after me will enjoy the shade they will provide.

We are saving a small section of one oak to make a scratching post for the cats.  I’ll talk about that another time.

More Blooms

More plants from neighbors.  Shasta daisies from Kim N. and these big purple flowers from Jackie F.  The huge purple flowers start as little dark purple pods.  Both love full sun which I have lots of.  If anyone wants some of the purple flowers, I have seedlings to share.

“Good Fences Make Good Neighbours”

From Mending Wall by Robert Frost.

“Why do they make good neighbours? Isn’t it
Where there are cows? But here there are no cows.”
My home came with an 8-foot privacy fence enclosing the back yard.  The previous homeowners were breeding bulldogs  – a violation of County ordinances and the restrictions and covenants of the homeowners association.  The fence kept prying eyes out and the ‘livestock’ in.
In the beginning I did not feel one way or another about the fence.  It turned out to be a wonderful place to hang bird houses, feeders and other chachkies from.  My only disappointment is that it lacked a gate allowing me to walk to my neighbors without having to walk around the entire block.
Only the trees necessary for the construction of a home were removed when my subdivision was built.  The mature trees are one of many things that makes this area so desirable.
A new homeowner has decided to remove the trees in his backyard to make a place for his four children to play.  Sadly, he did not grasp the concept of what trees do and his home has flooded twice during heavy rain.  He also did not grasp the concept that trees sometimes have a mind of their own; they fall where they want.  This is why my fence looks like a gap-toothed smile.
I’m in the market for recommendations to replace the entire fence.  It makes no sense to repair a few sections; I want to do the entire length of the backyard which looks to be 11 panels. And add that gate and haul away the old stuff.