A New Acquisition


The latest acquisition is home and ready to join her Featherweight sisters.  We have one manufactured the same year I was born; white (celery green); a 222 free arm; 1936 and a 1950 I purchased on eBay for a steal (it was listed in crafts which I would consider the wrong category) and now beige.  The family is complete.

This is one of the reasons I went to Aiken, SC/Martinez, GA yesterday in that horrific rain.  The previous owner, Mary Colley, attended my April Scrap Busting String Quilt class in Athens, GA.  I admired her machine and told her of my unsuccessful search for beige.  Be still my heart, when Mary said she was thinking of selling it.  We talked, agreed on a price, a date and location to meet.

Featherweight Poppy, John Bryant, is always on the lookout for Featherweights but in the past few years has only seen beige in very bad condition or overpriced.  I saw Joyce Greer walk away with one tucked under her arm, two, maybe three  few years ago, when John was a vendor at the Quilting Expo in Columbia, SC.  That is the last one he has had for sale.

There is nothing like sewing on a Featherweight.  These little workhorses just keep on keeping on.  Brush out the lint and a drop of oil every other bobbin, and they will be around another hundred years.  The 2016 Quilting Expo will be at Jamil Temple on July 22nd and 23rd and John will be a vendor.  Even if you only want to ooh and aah at the machines he will have for sale, stop by and talk Featherweight to him.